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Translation from the French original, assessed by the Hon. President Professor Robert Feenstra, Leiden and Professor Ditlev Tamm, Kobenhavn

Approved at the business meeting of the Commission, 11 October 1982 at Leipzig,  modified at Tübingen, 30 August 1985,  at Dublin, 14 March 1992, at Messina in September 2014 and at the General Assembly of the Commission, 19 May 2023.

Article 1

An ‘International Commission for the History of Universities’ has been constituted; it is affiliated to the International Committee of Historical Sciences. It is the objective of the Commission to promote all forms of historical research on universities and to ensure the international coordination of the same, in conjunction with the International Committee of Historical Sciences. The Commission is composed of a General Assembly, a Senate and a Bureau.


Article 2

The Commission consists of full members and honorary members. The full members are persons who have demonstrated, by their publications, that they are specialists in the history of universities. They are elected by the General Assembly on the proposal of the Senate. They shall remain full members of the Commission, provided they pay their membership fees.

Persons, who have rendered distinguished service to the Commission may be elected to honorary membership by the General Assembly on the proposal of the Senate.


Article 3

The Commission meets at least once every five years in conjunction with the International Congress of Historical Sciences. That meeting consists of a scholarly conference and a General Assembly.

At each meeting of the Commission members may participate as well as other persons interested in the history of universities at the invitation of the Commission.


Article 4

The General Assembly promulgates the statutes, approves the financial report of the treasurer, elects new full members and appoint honorary members and members of the Senate.

Only the full members have the right to vote at the General Assembly. They may be represented by a proxy, who has to be another full member. No one is allowed to hold more than two proxies.


Article 5

The Senate is composed of twelve full members, who assist the Bureau with their expertise between meetings of the General Assembly. In particular, the Senate evaluates applications for full membership in the Commission. The members of the Senate are appointed by the General Assembly on the proposal of the Bureau, for a period of five years. They may be elected for two consecutive terms (maximum of ten years).

The Senate must respect the main balance between countries, historical periods and genders. No more than two members may represent the same country. The composition of the Senate must also respect the parity between men and women and between the three periods of the history of universities, in so far as possible.

The Senate holds a business meeting as often as necessary and at least every time the General Assembly meets. Its members may be represented by a proxy, who has to be another member of the Senate. No one is allowed to hold more than one proxy.


Article 6

The Bureau of the Commission consists of maximum six persons: the president, vice-presidents, the general secretary and the treasurer. The functions of general secretary and treasurer may be combined.

The members of the Bureau are elected by the General Assembly, from among the full members, for a period of five years. They may be re-elected for two consecutive terms (maximum of fifteen years).

In the case of death or resignation of one of its members, the Bureau can replace this officer by co-opting another full member; the co-opted member then holds the position of the member he/she has replaced, until the end of the current Bureau.


Article 7

Between two meetings of the Commission, the Bureau has full authority to conduct the daily affairs of the Commission. But it may call a meeting of the Senate for consultation and decision in important matters.

The Bureau represents the Commission and acts in its name. It informs the members of the Commission and the International Committee of Historical Sciences of the current state of its activities.


Article 8

The budget of the Commission is made up of annual membership fees of the full members as well as donations and subventions.

The level of payment for the membership fees is determined by the General Assembly.

In case of prolonged non-payment of fees the Commission can declare that the failing member should be deemed to have effectively resigned.


Article 9

Should the number of full members fall below three, the Commission is dissolved, its funds are transmitted to the International Committee of Historical Sciences.


Article 10

A two-thirds majority of the full members present or represented at the General Assembly is required to modify these Statutes.

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